In addition to regular doctor and nurse appointments we also provide the following specialist services:
Antenatal clinic
We share the care of patients during pregnancy with our community midwives who have fortnightly clinics at both surgeries. The doctors will also happily see you at any of our surgeries by appointment. Midwives can be contacted through the community midwife office at the Conquest Hospital (01424) 755255).
Cervical smears
Sadly, every year women die from cervical cancer. Smears pick up early changes at a stage when treatment is easy and effective. It is essential that all women aged 25-64yrs take part in the NHS screening programme. Our nurses perform smears by appointment.
Childhood immunisation
The practice offers immunisation to all registered children under five years of age in line with national guidelines.
Children’s problems
All of the doctors are trained in the care of children.
Dr Pashley and Dr Davis have a particular interest in women’s health and contraception but all our doctors are able to provide advice on contraception. Along with contraceptive pills and patches the practice also offers the injection, implant and coil.
Diabetes clinics
Dr Mirchandani has a special interest in diabetes. If you have diabetes, we would like to review you on a regular basis in order to ensure that the condition is kept under control. We will ask you to attend appointments twice a year, once to see the practice nurse, and once to see the doctor. Depending on your situation we may ask you to attend more frequently.
Extended hours
The practice runs late clinics with both doctors and nurses throughout the week, please see the Opening Hours tab at the top of the page for more information.
Family planning & women’s health
Dr Camilla Pashley runs a ‘women’s clinic’ at Sedlescombe on a Monday evening twice a month covering issues such as contraception, sexual health and the menopause. However, all the doctors are experienced in family planning and will give advice on contraception at any surgery.
Flu vaccination
An annual ‘flu vaccination is recommended for patients with a heart, lung, liver, asthma, kidney or neurological disease, diabetes, pregnant women, residents of nursing and rest homes, carers and all patients over 65 years of age.
Minor surgery
Drs Mirchandani and Dr Meilak all perform minor surgery at Sedlescombe. If you have a skin complaint that is giving you concern please discuss this with a doctor. Please note that funding restrictions limit what we are able to remove, we are not able to remove and we may have to refer you on to a specialist centre.
Musculoskeletal medicine & joint injections
Dr Meilak is a qualified sports physician with extensive experience of both musculskeletal problems and performing joint injections. Dr Mirchandani also performs joint injections.
Private services
An increasing number of situations arise where we are asked to provide services that are not part of the NHS provision such as private examinations and letters. We charge for this work and publish lists of our charges. Private examinations can be booked with reception, please make them aware of the reason for the appointment as extra time is sometimes needed. Request for private letters or forms can be left with reception with a covering letter explaining what is required. Please allow a reasonable amount of time for these to be completed, as unwell patients will always take priority. Payments can be made by cash or cheque. We regret that we are currently unable to accept credit or debit cards; this is something we hope to be able to offer in the near future.
Special clinics run by practice nurses
Our nurses are highly trained and offer a variety of services in addition to the above. These include annual asthma checks.
Travel immunisations/vaccinations
Please complete a travel form (available from reception) and make an appointment at least two months in advance of your travel to ensure adequate time for necessary immunisations. A charge will be made for certain immunisations and vaccinations not covered by the NHS. A list of these charges is available at reception.