Rural Rother PCN website

Repeat Prescriptions

If you have regular medication it will appear on your repeat slip when you pick up your prescription.

If you need an item, please mark what you need on the repeat slip and leave it at the surgery that you wish to collect it from.

One weeks notice is required when requesting repeat prescriptions either on paper or online. For example; Put in your request on Monday it will be ready to collect the following Monday.  This is to ensure we are able to obtain stocks.

Please remember that you can only order medications which appear on your repeat prescription slip.

If you need to send your repeat slip to us by post please ensure you enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope.

Please note that requests for repeat medications will not be taken over the telephone.

Any requests put through the letter box when a surgery is closed will not be picked up until the next working day. Therefore any repeat prescription request placed through the letter box over a normal weekend will not be ready until the following Monday. If this falls on a Bank Holiday Monday then please allow an extra day.

Online repeat prescription form


Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 23rd May, 2023