You can call either surgery to book an appointment to see the doctor or nurse.
You can also book online, please see the Online Access page for more information.
If you already have your login details, please click here.
Same-day appointments
We offer same-day emergency appointments every weekday. These appointments may not be booked in advance, so please ring the surgery for an appointment on the day.
The phone line is normally very busy first thing in the morning so if you find the line engaged please try a little later.
For real emergencies we will always make space for you to be seen.
Pre-bookable appointments
We have pre-bookable appointments for both surgeries. These should be used where possible to discuss longstanding health problems or shorter term concerns that do not need to be seen as an emergency.
Telephone appointments
In some cases you may not need to see the doctor but may wish to discuss issues such as medication queries or test results. If you find it more convenient to discuss such matters by phone you can book a telephone appointment to save having to come into the practice.
This help doctors to be more efficient and enables them to see more patients everyday.
Home visits
If you are not able to attend the surgery, or are caring for someone not able to attend, and feel a doctor visit is required please call the surgery as early as possible in the morning. You may then receive a telephone call from a doctor to clarify if a visit is required.
Please do not ask a doctor to call unless you are too unwell or disabled to leave your home. A GP can see four or five people in the surgery in the time taken to make one home visit. We would therefore strongly request that you come to the surgery if physically possible.
Lack of transport does not necessarily make a patient housebound and is not usually regarded as a justification for a visit.
If the duty doctor does not feel that a home visit is medically necessary they may ask you to come to the surgery. This is because:
- it may be possible to see you quicker in the surgery than if you were to wait at home for a visit
there are better facilities for examination and tests at the surgery - it is much quicker for the doctors to see patients at the surgery, which means we can provide a better service to all our patients.
Follow-Up phone call
If you have requested a home visit, please phone reception again:
if no one has phoned back within 2 hours of your original phone call
if you have been told that someone will visit in the afternoon and no one has arrived before 3.00 pm
Help my GP to give the best care
Please click here to read a helpful guide of making the most of your GP appointment.